
Showing posts from October, 2019

What’s the Difference Between Face Scrubs and Masks?

Masks and scrubs for the face just feel good. They offer near-instant gratification in that they can reveal softer, silkier, and smoother-looking skin. Both aid in removing dead skin cells, making way for fresh skin cells to replace them. But what’s the difference between them? While they are similar, let’s look at a few different types of scrubs and masks to help understand some subtle differences in their purpose. Facial Scrubs Face scrubs remove dry, dead skin cells to help revive the look of dull skin. A scrub is an exfoliator and should be packed with beneficial ingredients to leave your skin soft and bright. An effective scrub contains natural physical exfoliators, such as sugar, which is water soluble. Sugar is slightly grainy, but it dissolves in water and promotes skin hydration. Quality facial scrubs will also often contain chemical exfoliators, such as papaya and pineapple. Chemical exfoliators don’t refer to chemicals in them—it’s the chemical reaction...

Transition to Winter with These Care Tips for Oily Skin

While having oily skin in the winter seems less likely than in the hot summer months, it’s not necessarily the case. Changes in the environment can actually trigger more oil production. As a response to dry, cold air, the skin wants to combat the harsher weather by producing more sebum to prevent dryness. The temptation may be to dry out or strip your skin of its shininess, but oily skin needs hydration (as do all skin types) without clogging the pores. Survive the winter with a healthy glow with the following skincare tips and product recommendations. Cleansing Oil Using a high-quality cleansing oil does not mean you will produce more oil on your face or get a “greasy” look. The right formula will gently remove makeup and excess oil while leaving your skin clean and hydrated. “Good” oils in a replenishing cleansing oil will bind with the “bad” oils to cleanse your skin properly. Look for a product that contains probiotics to provide exceptional hydration, pl...