Are You Falling for These 5 Common Skincare Myths?

Just as there are thousands of skincare products available, there are also thousands of skincare myths. Even if you’re pretty skincare-savvy, you might still have fallen for a few less-obvious myths. Here are five common skincare myths you might believe.

Myth 1: As Long as You Wash Your Face, You Won't Have Breakouts

While washing your face is generally good for staying clean, it’s not the only way to protect your skin against breakouts. Along with washing your face, there are a few other factors that can have an impact on your susceptibility to those annoying whiteheads. Typically, breakouts are also caused by clogged pores and other factors. So, while you shouldn’t skip washing your face, when trying to fight against breakouts, you need to keep these other factors in mind and be sure to add gentle yet effective acne-fighting products to your skincare routine. 

Myth 2: You Can Match Your Friend's Routine and See the Same Results

For the most part, there isn’t really a one-size-fits-all skincare product out there. While your friend might recommend using a certain oil-fighting moisturizer, you might actually need a serum for improving the appearance of dry skin and vice versa. Although, in a perfect world we could all just mix and match and borrow products from our buddies, you should build a skincare routine around your distinct needs rather than someone else’s. 

Myth 3: You Should Feel the Burn

It might be hard to believe that this myth is even common, but surprisingly, tons of people think that if a product makes their skin burn, it means that it's working. False! Your skincare products should never burn or irritate your skin, and if they do, you need to wipe them off with a cold towel ASAP. To overcome this myth, make sure that you're using products that keep your skin happy, healthy, and are sufficient for your needs. So whether it's acne skin care products or your face wash, leave the “no pain, no gain” mindset for the gym. 

Myth 4: You Want Squeaky Clean Skin

Are you washing your face so often that it feels almost squeaky clean? You know that dry and tight feeling? While it might feel like your face is a dirt-, grime-, and oil-free haven, the reality is you've stripped away its moisture barrier, which will dry it out and potentially cause irritation. Instead, you should aim to only lift away makeup, dirt, and grime, while preserving your skin's natural oils. 

Myth 5: If You Have Oily Skin, You Don’t Need to Moisturize

So, if you have naturally oily skin, why would you need to add any more moisture to your skin? The reality is that an effective skincare for oily skin routine or product will help balance your skin’s pH levels through probiotics and other nourishing ingredients all without stripping your natural oils. Look for a breathable, gentle moisturizing formula that will help hydrate your skin appropriately so you don’t dry it out.

About TULA Skincare

TULA Skincare is a leader in the industry with their probiotic skincare line. Probiotics are clinically proven to help promote skin hydration, clarity, and even improve the appearance of inflammation in many cases. They also use powerful superfoods in their formulas like blueberries and turmeric and take full advantage of their antioxidant benefits. TULA Skincare's products and ingredients are backed by science, and the brand is committed to ensuring all of their products are not only effective but will also leave you feeling confident and beautiful in your skin. Created by Dr. Roshini Raj, a best-selling author and frequent contributor on The Today Show, CNN, and Dr. Oz, shop TULA Skincare’s entire line and add probiotics to every step of your skincare routine.

Learn more about TULA Skincare’s skincare essentials at


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